Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just a Couple of Announcements

My short story "Saturdays That Might Have Been" will be free in the Amazon Kindle Store for two days, July 22 & 23.  After that, it's back to 99 cents.  Find it in the US Amazon Kindle Store here and at the UK Kindle Store here.

Recently I was interviewed on two web sites.  You can find these interviews at:, the web site of G. R. Yeates, author of The Eyes of the Dead, Shapes in the Mist, and Hell's Teeth.
( links directly to my interview, but then you'd miss other interviews and samples of Greg's work, and why would you want to miss those?), the web site of The Abominable Gentlemen, a group of four writers -- James Everington, Iain Rowan, Aaron Polson, and Alan Ryker.  In addition to my interview, you'll find an interview with indie writer Cate Gardner and links to the Penny Dreadnought short story anthologies, which are well worth a look.

Had fun with both sets of questions, and I'd like to thank Greg and James for their invitations to be interviewed on their pages.

I've got another short story collection in the works that will gather the stories not included in The Other Iron River and Other Stories and a number of new stories.  Working title is "A Souvenir from the War: Dark Stories."  It should be available in August, and I'll post an announcement here when it's out for sale.

And bests to all.